Old English Literature/period is also called the Anglo-Saxon period. It covers the age of 600-1100 A.D. Language in that period was also unrefined. NO one could understand or read Old English Literature. "Beowulf" is the most famous epic poem with 3000 lines. The writer of this poem is unknown. The poem 'Beowulf' is divided into two parts, it is about the hero Beowulf (Sweden). In the first part of the poem there is a description of Beowulf's fight with the evil creatures with the visited. The palace of the king of Denmark.
The famous epic poem of this period is "Beowulf" and the writer of this epic poem is unknown and the language also could not be understood easily.
After long fighting Beowulf kills that evil creature and saved the life of the people. In the second part of the poem Beowulf's tragic death is described in poem. Among all the poets Caedmon & Cynewulf are the two famous poets of this period. An old English literature give an interesting picture of life in those days. It also tells us the fear fight and brave deeds of Beowulf. By reading the poem, we came to know that they had hard life. They didn't enjoy life much. Anyway It was an Old English poetry description of sad event or cruel situations are commoner.

English Literature
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