The navbar is useful and essential for the bloggers that helps to find new blog pages build b other bloggers as well as helps to search contents of the blog.
Now-a-days, all are starting to blog so that they can share their views, thoughts or simply say they can show their talent on the particular field. For this purpose, in the field of blogs and free hosting there are mainly two portals which gives free space are Blogger and Wordpress. I also started blogging in Blogger. In the beginning state, I felt that the navbar, which is the advertisement from the side of Blogger itself and it is basically blue in color and kept very top of the blog, makes the blog unprofessional. The navbar is essential for the blogger who are using it and it can be useful because it has one search box so that users can search the contents. It looks useful to the blogger but it didn't touch mine heart. I thought to remove it out. I started to get idea to remove it but I found somewhere written as doing this is the illegal. Thought that I didn't get any information in Blogger's TOS(Terms Of the Service) that one must need to have navbar to the blog. I had made decision to hide it only.
We may get many ideas to hide it but all won't be the fruitful for all bloggers. I have found some good and useful idea that looks effective. But most important thing which we need to keep in mind is to make backup before doing any kind of changes in the template. Later on if we feel the change is not good then we can retrieve the previous one.
The very 1st one is from Aditya's hacks for the blog and is very simple.
First go to Layout then search for EDIT HTML to open template Editor and make Expand to the widget Template.
Within the widget template, search </b:skin> and immediately after this paste the followings:
/* By Aditya -------------------------------------*/ div.navbar { opacity: 0.0; display: none; }And preview it. If this fits for you then save your template.
Next one is for xml format:
Sign in and go to your dashboard, choose layout and click Edit Html. It opens the template editor window. Make expand to the widget Template.
Look for the tag </head> and past the following code above that tag:
<style type='text/css'> #navbar-iframe { display: none; } </style>It should look like:
<style type='text/css'> #navbar-iframe { display: none; } </style> </head>First, preview it, and if looks good for you then go for save template and Enjoy !
For demonstration, you can check mine:ApHrOdi$iaC.

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